Testing Information
2024 Testing Days: 3/16, 6/15, 9/21, 12/7
Testing dates are subject to change so please confirm before testing day.
Request a testing material list for your belt level (please include student name and belt level). Applications are due one week before testing day.
Make less than 3 mistakes to pass to the next level. There is no charge for re-tests during a group testing. On testing day, come in full uniform and please come early. Students cannot test if they are late on testing day.
Testing is an important way to measure a student’s progress, see whether a student has practiced enough to know their material well and is ready to move on to more difficult material. Group testings are held each quarter with Master Rhee and a Black Belt panel. Colored belt students may also test during private lessons.
Testing Application
Please submit and pay for your application at least one week prior to testing day. Action TKD students - please submit on the Action TKD website.
Contact us to pay your testing fee.
All students who are testing must make less than 3 mistakes to pass or do a re-test (no charge). Students must test in a clean, full uniform, and must be on time.
Black Belt candidates must have applications, fees and essay turned in at least one week prior to testing day. Boards are provided on testing day. If you are breaking brick(s), please bring your own.
“A Black Belt is a white belt who never quit”